Warts and All

I hate to post when I am in a slump.  I don’t want to be a downer and really don’t like for people to see me this way.  But I have been in a slump for a while now and life is passing this blog by.  So I am just going to let this post be what it is and see what happens.

My house is a chronic mess.  Picking up things that don’t belong on the floor is a bad idea for me anymore so the best I can do is kick things into piles and nag the kids.  That makes them super happy!  (Not really.)  But better yet it makes me feel like a crappy mom for freaking out about little stuff.  And I really screwed up this weekend, with two things that will cost us a bunch of money, so I have spent the day kicking myself.  Or I would have, if I could still reach to do it.  But mostly I just waddle around and whine instead.

This pregnancy has been a rough one on my vanity.  I started bigger and have gained more than usual and I can’t really do anything about it.  My skin has been a nightmare, especially on my face where another chin, a wider nose, and a couple of jowls have shown up.  And isn’t outgrowing clothes fun?  It was when I was a kid.  Not so much now.  Let’s not even discuss my hair which has become such a nuisance that it mostly is just shoved up in a clip all the time anyway.  At least it is cool that way!

Anyway… enough about my messy house, money troubles and weight.

In other news, I have two kids who REALLY want to get their drivers licenses.  Which could be a great help if I can ever find time to take them driving.  Or gas money, which brings up that whole money thing again.  Still, when did my kids get this old?

Lots of reading has gone on here this summer. Since there is really no TV to watch (only netflix streaming and that is limited to stuff PG and under) the kids have finally gotten bored enough to pick up some books.  Which is great, except for the giant piles of books on the floor as they filter through them to find something to read.  This is the same floor that I can’t seem to bend over and pick things up off of.  I can boast that I actually finished a book!  Starting them is never a problem but finishing is never my strong point.

We were able to see the Harry Potter 7.2 movie the night before it opened, which was fun, and our 21st anniversary is this Wednesday – We have a gift certificate for a nice dinner and will use that sometime in the next week.

The kids have a little bit bad case of cabin fever since we are stuck indoors most of the time with the heat.  Even going places is difficult because they whine and cry about the hot car seats (and yes, they are covered while we park, they still get hot enough to bother them.)  So we mostly don’t go anywhere.  We do swim a fair bit and Max and Lily have really improved this summer.  Lily can get to a back float and rest and can swim all over the pool.  Max is a completely independent swimmer now.  Molly has a death wish and thinks she can breathe underwater.  She is constantly just throwing herself off the pool steps and just enjoying the feeling of being submerged.  Crazy girl!

So we have our good times too.

Here are some recent pictures just to bring you up to date:
Posy straightened Lily’s hair one day last week, she looked like a completely different kid!
Posy straightened Lily's hair! Posy straightened Lily's hair!

Snow white bit her apple and fell into a deep sleep…
Snow White
Yes, another sleep picture.

Who needs Barbie Dolls when you have little sisters to dress up? Molly is ready to take on the world!
Molly is all business!

And finally, the best for last: Molly and Max having a potty party.
Max and Molly: Potty chat
So that is it for now.  Like I said in my last post, I am working on small things to make life more manageable right now.  This is just one of those long, dreary summers and we’ll get through it just fine.

I hope you all are keeping busy and cool!

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