Cinderella Before the Ball

Whenever we have an event to go to, I always feel like Cinderella before the ball. There are a million things to be done and I need to get everyone else presentable first. By the time I am done with that I run into the bathroom and finally get a look at myself.

I look like the ugly stepsisters ripped me apart.

My hair is mussed up, I have graham cracker goobers and snot all over my shirt, and there is very little left of whatever makeup I managed to put on in the morning. Oh, and I stink too by this time. Sigh.

So I start trying to piece myself together as fast as I can. A quick spritz with body spray and new deodorant, clean clothes, touch up the makeup, my hair will just have to get re-pony-tailed. I have this fantasy of getting to actually style my hair one of these days But it only happens every couple of months or so. By this time the natives are getting restless and I need to make a run for it. I head out the door one more time looking like somebody’s mommy who threw herself together, which is entirely true.

Glamour is something that comes with a Fairy Godmother I suppose. (And not having to get a bunch of kids ready as well.)

Laundry Nightmare

Laundry is just be bane of my existence. The sorting and washing is not so bad, but I can NOT keep up with the folding right now. Lily wants me to be in sight of her at all times and I just can’t find the time to keep up with the folding of what I have washed.

After folding about half of what I needed to get done last night I gave up and made dinner. Time was running out on a busy evening and dinner held priority. The uniforms were clean so that was all that really mattered.

Last night, after falling into bed completely exhausted, I had a laundry dream. My entire house was covered in piles of laundry. Huge piles. There was even one on my stair well that was easily 15 feet high. You couldn’t step anywhere in the house without stepping on a laundry pile. So I thought to myself (in my dream) “I’ll just really have to stuff the washer full.”

Now I have been trying to wash slightly smaller loads since pant legs always get all tangled in my front loader (Whirlpool Duet, how I love thee…) but this was a laundry emergency. It could only happen in a dream, but I got ALL that laundry done in two loads. Thank goodness I woke up before I had to fold it all!

Spic and Span: Step 1

The house is on the market again. Last year we put it on the market and set the listing to expire two weeks before my due date with Lily. That turned out to be a good thing since she was born just a couple days after the listing expired.

So this year we will list it again in hopes of moving closer to school and church since we are forever driving there anyway.

In spite of the fact that no one is looking at this point, we still need to keep the house ready to be looked at, and I admit it, I like having the house clean. It is a more peaceful place when thing are done and reasonably picked up.

My morning routine now needs to include three things:
Getting the kitchen clean
Getting the laundry under control
Tidying up the upstairs (bedrooms)

Each day I will check in and let you know if Step 1 is done. No computer or email until it is. Maybe that will keep me in line.

Baby Numbers

How long have I actually nursed?
Paisley 20 mon
James 33 mon (actually 36 months but was tandem for the last three mon)
Posy 27 mon (actually 48 mon but tandem from 27 mon to 4 yrs)
Ben 33 mon
Tessa 28 mon (I thinkā€¦)
Max 22 mon
Lily 8 mon and counting

For a grand total of 171 months or 14 years and 3 months.
That is a loooong time!

I also figured out that if you throw in being pregnant in with that I have NOT been either pregnant or nursing for somewhere between 7 and 10 months of our marriage. We will be married for 18 years this July.