It’s a Random Post Kind of Day

I’ve still been feeling sporadically like crud and so haven’t resumed posting as promised. But there is a lot of crazy stuff going on today, so a random post would be fabulous! I will be hitting and running with this post all day, so expect it to be disjointed.

1. I woke up this morning dreaming of Einstein bagels and strawberry Shmear. Yum. A quick glance in my wallet tells me this is going to be an unsatisfied craving.

2. On the way to school this morning, Lily reached down and unbuckled Molly’s seat, which then FELL OVER WHILE I WAS DRIVING! Thankfully we had just turned into our neighborhood. But it freaked both Molly and me out. Lily was duly punished.

3. Molly has been in disposable diapers while I have had morning sickness and I am trying to get her back into cloth again. She doesn’t like the bulk after being used to trim ‘sposies, and screeches like a banshee every time I put one on her. And they gave her a rash. So in the midst of trying to rewash the diapers in some more bum friendly detergent, my washer seized up.

4. And I have a lot more laundry to do.

5. Really, a LOT.

6. But I am supermom! So I set up a chain of kids, one to watch the lights in the laundry room, one to relay messages, and one to try to distract both of them, and went to the circuit box. I would flip a switch, ask the next kid if the light was off, he would ask the next one. And we played telephone like that until we found the right switch, and reset the washer. Now hopefully we are on our way to clean clothes. (Knock on wood.)

7. A facebook goodie: This eBook was circulating yesterday and I decided I am going to try to take the challenge. I may not be able to do 31 days to clean with this number of people around, so I intend to take two days for every one in the book. That is more my pace.  I hope to blog it, but you all know how that goes…

8. Had a snack of fritos, the laundry load is complete (finally!) SO time to switch loads and start on the family room.  I have new slipcovers for my 20 year old couches.  If I can get the toys all picked up, those go on TODAY!  Before and After pics to come!

9. The family room is mostly done.  One of the couches cleaned out and slipcover on, I am going to let Jay do the other one.  I’m just too grossed out by the stuff in the crevices.

10. Fed the kids lunch: Toy Story Soup.  I scrounged up some leftovers.  Checked on FedEx tracking 100 times today, my new stroller (GREEN!) is out for delivery.  Can’t wait!

11. Jay got home and was able to get the gunk out of the washer drain.  Ew.  My husband is a hero, the washer works great now!

12.  MY STROLLER ARRIVED.  I spent most of the rest of the afternoon putting it together and fiddling with it.

13. Ben’s school concert was tonight, so Jay took him and I got pizza for the rest of us.  Now it is time to fold some laundry, clean the kitchen and get the littles in bed.

14. Posy got a 94% on her Algebra test!  She’s worked really hard to get there!

Enough for today, my evening will be busy, but I will try to add the pictures tomorrow.

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