It hit us this week. Two kids down with the flu. It appears to be the real thing, not just a 24 hour bug like I was hoping. James and Tessa went down with it on Thursday, right after I had spent all day Wednesday getting out all the toys for reorganization. So instead of organizing, I spent Thursday hold and nursing Tessa and fetching James more tylenol. Poor kids, they are so miserable. Friday seemed better and on Saturday, I had declared it over and just a 24 hour bug, but alas, it bit again. By Saturday afternoon, James was down again with a fever and a terrible sounding cough and Tessa had resumed her marathon nursing sessions.
Tessa still hasn’t come down with the rest of the symptoms, like the cough or stuffiness, which I attribute to her CONSTANT breastfeeding. Although she did say that her head hurt when she woke up this morning. So I will be watching her closely as the day goes on. I am praying that no one else in our family comes down with this, and that anyone reading this can stay well and warm and have a Merry Christmas!