The laundry kitchen, originally uploaded by groftzoo.
Our house was set up as a caretaker situation before we owned it. There was a paralyzed man who lived on one side and his caretaker lived on the other. So we have two kitchens, a full one with a fridge, sink, microwave and stove, and a partial one with a fridge and sink but no stove.
I use the counter top in the partial kitchen as a permanent laundry folding area. Since laundry is such a huge part of my life, there is just no way I can get it all folded AND put away all the time, so this allows me to fold large quantities without using one of our couches as a laundry couch – although one of the couches catches the laundry spillover often.
Because, really, no one person can stay on top of laundry for 9 people. Not if they have anything else they need to get done.
I find that’s true with only 7 in my household as well. How great that you have the extra counter space! My husband built a 12 foot counter in my corridor laundry room for me and it is ALWAYS full. 🙂
I wish I had extra counter space! I have several laundry couches! 🙂