I Finally Realized…

why I can’t remember ANYTHING.

It’s because there are just too many things to remember:
-the last time my toddler pooped
-each child’s birthday, age, height and weight (stupid insurance forms!)
-when each of my two kids with jobs works next, what time they get off and what their weekend plans are.
-what my husband is up to and needs me to do
-the activities of every other child around here
-who walked at what age and when they cut their first tooth, etc.
-does the car need gas?
-the chores I need to do most importantly
-whose birthday is coming up next, including friends and extended family

And sometimes I even need to remember that I, too, need to use the bathroom on occasion. And THAT, folks, is why things slip through the in my addled brain. My brain has so much thrown at it that it often can’t decide what the important bits of information are. So when I forgot the other day to take Ben to his friend’ slumber party until two hours later and got home from finally delivering him there to find my 17 year old daughter incensed at me because she was supposed to be at work RIGHT THEN (5pm) instead of at 7pm like the idea had somehow pegged itself in my mind… is it really all my fault?

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