

Yet another crummy picture, but too cute not to snap it in the moment. I was cleaning the baby dolls with clorox wipes and Molly put them all on the floor then lay down in the middle of them. (I did help her arrange them a little, so at least none were face down.) She has suddenly gottten attached to baby dolls and is forever carrying one or more around and handing them to me so I can carry them around. She seems very distressed if I don’t have a dolly in my hand when she does. Maybe she is hinting at something…

Turtle Yoga

Turtle yoga

Sorry for the bad picture, I wanted to catch this before he stopped. Our turtle, Perrywell (named by Lily), has been doing this weird thing where he climbs on the rock and sticks his back feet in the air. We call it turtle yoga.  We have wondered if he is cold and just trying to get completely out of the water.  He looks very serene when he does it though, so maybe he is just stretching.

Goodnight Sweet Princess

Goodnight sweet princess

This photo was taken in the dark, with my phone and then lightened up to be able to see Miss Molly, so it is certainly not meant to be a high quality picture. But who can resist such sleeping cuteness?

Molly is our first child to get attached to a blanket, and then at Christmas she added is a special little doggie from her godparents. Having these as her sleep and cuddle cues is so nice and such an easy way to calm her down. When she is tired she will often bring her blanket to me and throw it on my lap and put her arms up for me to pick her up. If she can’t find her blanket, she will come to me and sign “Blanket” and we will go find it together. Once we have blanket with us then she will ask (sign for) her doggie, and we are all set to nurse and go to sleep.