Milestones in Gus’s Life

At two and a half months, Gus weighs in at a whopping 14lbs, 5oz.  Which is somewhere around the size most of the kids were at 4 months old.  Big guy.

He still wants to be held nonstop but this week both of these things occurred, even if they were short lived:

Gus with paci
I bought just one more pacifier type to try, and he likes tolerates it more than the others.  So that is something…

Then this – with the help of the above pacifier:

He sleeps
You can’t see his face, but he is sleeping.  Sweet, sweet naptime, while not even being held.  Yes, he is sleeping on his tummy.  I know, I know.  But that is how my children sleep.

He is starting to enjoy a little (very little!) bit of down time trying to bat at his toys or watch his brothers and sisters play.  But mostly he wants to be held BY ME and jiggled or nursed all day and night.

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