Future Pianist


All the kids seem to have picked up music as a major part of their personality. I sometimes wish I could get just a little less music around here. If Molly pursues it like the others have, this picture will be a great one to share later on as well. Thanks to Posy for taking the picture. She is adding photography to her myriad talents.

Here is one more for the day, Molly looks like she is really concentrating on the music!


Blueberry banana bread

The kids love blueberry banana bread and the recipe is super simple too:

(Per loaf)
3 bananas
2 eggs
2 cups flour (I used whole wheat white)
1 cup sugar
3 tbsp milk
1/2 tsp each:
Baking powder
Baking soda
1/2 cup oil (add after other ingredients are mixed)
1 cup blueberries

Bake at 350 for one hour.

My loaves were baked for a little more than an hour, since I forgot about them.  But they are still tasty.



Yet another crummy picture, but too cute not to snap it in the moment. I was cleaning the baby dolls with clorox wipes and Molly put them all on the floor then lay down in the middle of them. (I did help her arrange them a little, so at least none were face down.) She has suddenly gottten attached to baby dolls and is forever carrying one or more around and handing them to me so I can carry them around. She seems very distressed if I don’t have a dolly in my hand when she does. Maybe she is hinting at something…

Turtle Yoga

Turtle yoga

Sorry for the bad picture, I wanted to catch this before he stopped. Our turtle, Perrywell (named by Lily), has been doing this weird thing where he climbs on the rock and sticks his back feet in the air. We call it turtle yoga.  We have wondered if he is cold and just trying to get completely out of the water.  He looks very serene when he does it though, so maybe he is just stretching.

Molly’s Fit

The cutest thing happened today.

I took something away from Molly (now 14 months) in the kitchen and she turned away from me and started a full on make-your-ears-bleed, scream that would make a banshee proud, fit. Her screaming lessened to plain crying after a few seconds and she saw that Lily was sitting at the table watching her.

Molly ran over and buried her face in Lily’s lap, giving her a big hug, then she ran off to go play, completely consoled.