“Eeew Gyoss” says Max

Great. The kids just re-informed me that we have ants. And Max’s popsicle (his breakfast) seems to have gone AWOL. Probably melting between couch cushions. I have to take Paisley to stupid-overpriced-Duke for her yearbook photo today. Hell will freeze over before I buy actual pictures from them – even if I can *SAVE $340* on a graduation package. Give me a freaking break. You know what I need? I mean besides to really mop my floor and find the popsicle? I need some peanut butter m&m’s and some Hansens soda. But why can’t those be sold at the same store? Noooooo I have to go to two separate stores just to get a flippin’ junk food fix. Sorry, I will get off of my unfounded persecution complex now.

While I have been typing this, Posy decided to kill the ants by spraying them with air freshener. At least it smells better than Raid.

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